Sunday 25 January 2015


Thanks to Mike muffwiggler for the account. I will drop more stuff there eventually, at the moment it is 3 songs off the Chua Diode album (me on synths, Julian on everything else) and one song that we didn't put on the album but really like. (opentape)

Sunday 18 January 2015

4HP Sloth panel proto-type

new 4HP Sloth panel & PCB. This is a proto-type, the final version will be 2mm blue panel with gold lettering.....real gold!....well.... electroless nickel immersion gold plating to be pedantic.
 The PCB has also been redesigned to suit 4HP. These will also be available for non-DIYers as ready to use modules in a few weeks

Friday 16 January 2015

Lost threads on muffwiggler

update 23/1/2015 Mike @ muffwiggler has repaired the forum and all posts have been restored! By all accounts, it was a major effort so WELL Done!!!!

It seems all my posts & threads on muffwiggler, regarding my circuits, going back to Feb 2013 have been erased and, possibly, are not coming back.

It seems there was an attack aimed at rival manufacturers.....kind of bizarre, but thats the story, many other small scale ops like me have copped it too.

Sadly there was a hell of a lot of useful info in those threads. So if anybody is searching for info on a build of any NLC modules, the only sources now are the manuals - and there are usually lots of pics on this blog
otherwise feel free to ask me directly and I will help out.

update - Mike @ muffwiggler is working to find a way to restore the lost threads. I cannot imagine how difficult it will be, there must be several thousand of them to process.